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京纬数据创建于2014年,核心团队来自于IBM, Google, Yahoo, 腾讯, 华为等业内知名企业。京纬数据独家定制DSP(需求方平台),SSP(供应方平台),DMP(数据管理平台) 等一站式广告技术平台,让客户能够自主操作媒体资源、投放策略、出价设定,实现清晰、可控、精准的广告投放。


京纬数据(营销平台能根据代理商及品牌主的自身需求,独家定制DSP(需求方平台),SSP(供应方平台),DMP(数据管理平台) 等一站式广告技术平台,让客户能够自主操作媒体资源、投放策略、出价设定,实现清晰、可控、精准的广告投放。

京纬数据创建于2014年,核心团队来自于IBM, Google, Yahoo, 腾讯, 华为等业内知名企业。并拥有多位高等院校数据专业教授与博士。目前京纬数据在上海、台北设有分支机构,服务的客户包括Uber,大众,携程,欧莱雅,万豪等国际一线品牌。京纬数据不断提供和推动业界具有前瞻性的解决方案,并在最近的2017年度金鼠标评选上荣膺年度最佳数字营销平台。

About Quadas

Quadas( is the leading technology provider of big data marketing, with the industry’s most advanced advertising technology, supreme service and strong big data analysis capability. The SaaS marketing platform provided by Quadas can customize one-stop advertising platforms such as DSP, SSP, DMP based on the specific requirements of agencies and brands, so that client companies can manage their own media resources, investment strategies and bid settings, to achieve accurate and effective advertisement.

Quadas was founded in 2014 with many professors and Ph.D. in big data area and also a strong and experienced team from IBM, Yahoo, Tencent, and Huawei. Quadas now has offices in Shanghai and Taipei, and has served a lot of well-known brands including Uber, VW, Ctrip, L’Oréal , and Marriot. Quadas was recently awarded as Best Digital Marketing Platform in 2017 by the Golden Mouse Committee.




赵品权于2014年创立京纬数据并担任首席运营官COO。在创建京纬数据之前,他曾担任威朋中国区总经理,成功与国内外App应用开发商建立合作关系,并与国内多家知名广告公司成为战略合作伙伴。他还曾历任联发科技 (Mediatek) 系统研发工程师,参与了MTK 首颗单芯片 (SoC) MT6253 的研发工作,并因出色的沟通协调能力派驻欧洲及日本等国家,负责国际级客户的技术解决方案与商务谈判等工作。


Darren Chao

Founder and Chief Operation Officer

Darren founded Quadas in 2014 and is now COO at Quadas. Before starting Quadas, he was General Manager of Vpon in China, during which time he has developed successful relationships with App developers around the world, and also formed strategic partnership with many famous advertising agencies. Darren has also worked in Mediateck as a system R&D engineer, participated in the R&D of the first (SoC) MT6253 for MTK and was responsible for technical solutions and commercial negotiation with international customers in Europe and Japan.

Darren graduated from Tsinghua University with a master degree in computer science.

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